Monkey Patching in Python: A Powerful and Controversial Technique

Abhishek Mishra
3 min readAug 13, 2023
Photo by Martin Jernberg on Unsplash

In the world of programming, there are moments when developers encounter limitations in the functionality of a library, framework, or even the language itself. While it’s not always feasible to modify the source code directly, there’s a technique that can come to the rescue: monkey patching. This practice involves modifying or extending existing code at runtime, allowing developers to tweak behavior, fix bugs, or add features without altering the original source code. However, as with any powerful tool, monkey patching comes with its own set of benefits, risks, and ethical considerations.

Understanding Monkey Patching:

Monkey patching is a term derived from the idea that you are making changes to code as if you were a “monkey” messing with it. It’s a dynamic and sometimes controversial technique because it involves modifying code after it has already been written. In Python, this is achieved by reassigning attributes or methods of classes or modules on the fly.

Example: Modifying a String Capitalization Method

Let's delve into a simple example to illustrate how monkey patching works. Suppose you're working with a third-party library that provides a StringUtils class, but you've discovered that the capitalize method isn't behaving as you need it to. Instead of waiting for a library update, you can use monkey patching to modify the method's behavior:

# Original StringUtils class from the library
class StringUtils:
def capitalize(self, text):
return text.capitalize()

# Customized capitalize method
def custom_capitalize(self, text):
return text.upper()

# Applying monkey patch
StringUtils.capitalize = custom_capitalize

# Now the method behaves differently
util = StringUtils()
result = util.capitalize("hello, world!")
print(result) # Output: "HELLO, WORLD!"

Benefits and Risks of Monkey Patching:


  1. Rapid Fixes and Features: Monkey patching can provide quick solutions without waiting for official updates from library maintainers.
  2. Temporary Solutions: It’s ideal for testing out ideas or making changes on a temporary basis.
  3. Dynamic Adaptation: Developers can adjust behavior at runtime to meet specific requirements.


  1. Unintended Side Effects: Modifying code dynamically can lead to unexpected behavior or break other parts of the application.
  2. Maintenance Challenges: Keeping track of monkey patches can be difficult, especially as the codebase grows.
  3. Compatibility Issues: Patches might not work across different versions of libraries or frameworks.
  4. Code Readability: Overuse of monkey patching can make the code harder to understand for other developers.

Ethical Considerations:

While monkey patching offers flexibility, it’s important to approach it with ethical considerations in mind:

  1. Transparency: Clearly document any monkey patches in your codebase to ensure other developers are aware of the changes.
  2. Communication: If you’re working in a team, discuss the use of monkey patching and its implications with your colleagues.
  3. Limited Scope: Use monkey patching sparingly and only when necessary to avoid complicating the codebase unnecessarily.


Monkey patching can be a powerful tool in a developer’s toolkit, enabling them to make dynamic changes to code behavior without altering the original source. However, its use should be approached cautiously, with a balance between solving immediate problems and maintaining code integrity. By understanding its benefits, risks, and ethical considerations, developers can wield monkey patching effectively to enhance their projects.

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Abhishek Mishra

System Engineer-TCS | COMPUTER SCIENCE ENGINEER | I love Python 🐍🐍😀